Creating a Report

Client Report in Snap Projections is a powerful tool that allows you to create the perfect report for your clients. With a high degree of flexibility and customization, your final client report can be as simple and short or as complex and detailed as you wish it to be.


Accessing Client Report

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you are using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. You can download Google Chrome for free.

There are two ways to access a client report for your scenario:

  • From the Clients page using the third icon (the report icon).

  • From within a scenario by navigating to the Client Report tab in the scenario menu.

Note: If you don't see the icon on the Clients page, open the list of all scenarios for the client by clicking on their name, and then click the icon beside scenario name.

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Once you access the report, you will be able to see the tools for further customization.

  • Report Builder allows you to “custom-build” your report. It includes the following:
    • Included Pages where you can select pages and snapshots for your report and change their order. These settings will affect the view of your Report Editor as well for a more focused and productive environment.
    • Custom Pages to add your own pages and cards for Snapshots.
    • Header Settings where you can modify the headers that appear on every printed page of the client report.
    • Print Settings to adjust the font and paper sizes, margins, and paper orientation.
  • Report Editor is for you to review each page of the report to ensure accuracy of information presented to client. This is also where you can enter comments and further customize Snapshots.
  • Report Preview allows you to present the report online or preview the report before the final PDF is generated.
  • Selected Language will determine in which language the final report will be printed in. This language setting is independent from your system language in Snap. 
  • Generate/Download PDF can be clicked to generate a PDF of your report and download it to your computer.

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Selecting pages and snapshots to include in your report and their order.

We have three types of pages in Client Report: Standalone, Snapshots, and Custom Pages.

  • Standalone pages use an entire page (or multiple pages) in the report.
  • Snapshots display summary components that appear together on a single page as cards.
  • Custom Pages can be used both as Standalone or Snapshots.

By default for all new users, we include all available Standalone pages and Snapshots in your Client Report. This results in a comprehensive report with many pages of data and charts. To tailor this report to your client, go through the following steps:

  1. Learn about different pages/Snapshots and the benefits of including them in your report. Make note of any pages you’d like to remove from the final report.
  2. Review common templates and sample reports for inspiration.
  3. Go to Report Builder -> Included Pages and remove any pages you don’t need. If needed, change the order of pages in which they appear in your report.

To learn how to use the Report Builder please review our article: Report Builder (page selection and order, custom pages, header settings, and print settings)

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Customizing each page

To create a truly personalized Client Report, go over each page in the Report Editor to confirm the accuracy of information and to include any comments unique to your client. All edits will be saved automatically once you move the cursor off of the text box that you have edited. The Saved button at the bottom will indicate when changes have been saved.

To move between pages, you can click the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the page or use the navigation pane to the left and click on the name of the section you wish to move to.

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Finalizing your Client Report

Once you’ve gone over the report and added any personalized comments, follow these steps to finalize it:

Preview the report

Preview the report by clicking the Report Preview button.

  • While previewing the report, the best practice is to keep your browser zoom setting at 100%. This will ensure that what you see on the screen is what will be generated in the PDF that you generate. Click the 3 dots at the top right of the Google Chrome window to open the browser settings.

Adjust print settings

Change the look of your report by adjusting the Header/Print Settings in Report Builder and keep returning to the Report Preview until you are satisfied with how it looks.

Create a PDF of the report

To create a PDF version of the report, Click Generate PDF at the top right. You can bypass the Report Preview option and generate the PDF report directly. 

Download the PDF of the report

Once the PDF has been generated, the Generate PDF button will change to Download PDF. Click this button to open the report and save it to your computer. (If you make changes to the projections, or to the saved settings of the report, the button will change back to Generate PDF). 

Open the PDF and print it if desired. If you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing the PDF, select File -> Print or click the printer icon. 

An alternative printing option exists from the Report Preview page. Click Cntrl + p to open a Print Report window and then click the Print Report button. However, note that in this way, the printed report will not have any headers/page numbers.

Note: We highly recommend that you download the final PDF to store in your client files.

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Important notes

  • Reports for different scenarios for the same client exist independently from each other. If you make a change inside one client report, it will not apply to the reports within other scenarios.
  • When an existing scenario is copied, the client report settings and comments are copied as well.
  • When you generate a PDF, the Cover Page will always include:
    • the name of the scenario;
    • the date the report was generated.
  • If you’d like to keep a copy of the report without downloading, generate it and don’t delete the PDF. However, the generated report will be deleted automatically if any changes are made to the scenario or the report.

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