(VIDEO) The 2 modes of Cash Flow Management (CFM) (7 min)
This video will help you get familiar with how Snap manages the cash flow in your projections. There are 2 modes of cash flow management; manual and automatic. You can either enter manual contributions and withdrawals or have Snap make the automatic contribution and withdrawal decisions for you once the CFM Start Age has been reached.
Please click here if you would prefer to view a text article on this topic.
A quick summary of the topics covered in the video:
- the difference between manual and automatic cash flow management
- the default cash flow management logic and how to change the order of withdrawals (or contributions)
- how to update the starting age for automatic cash flow management (CFM Start Age)
- entering a target Base Expense amount and having Snap make automatic contributions or withdrawals to reach that target
- how to turn off automatic savings during the working years and instead enter the planned savings manually (delaying automatic cash flow management until retirement)
- enabling or hiding the CFM Order columns on the Planning page